Quick Summary on Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger is an open-source umbrella project consisting of multiple sub-projects. One such project is hyperledger fabric - a private permissioned blockchain hosted by the Linux foundation.

Hyperledger fabric is a great solution for enterprises looking for confidentiality, modularity, scalability & security within the organization.

Components of hyperledger:

Types of nodes:

Endorsing Nodes: These peer nodes are responsible for receiving transaction proposals, simulating transactions, and endorsing them by signing them if they meet the specified endorsement policy. They execute the chain code to validate the proposed transactions against the current ledger state.

Committing Nodes: Committing nodes are responsible for updating the ledger's state database with the results of valid transactions. They maintain a copy of the ledger's state and transaction history.

Ordering Nodes (Orderers): The ordering service nodes are responsible for reaching a consensus on the order of transactions and packaging them into blocks.