Want to get started with AR/VR?

Want to get started with AR/VR?

Let's start with the basics.

Immersing yourself completely in a virtual world is the core concept of virtual reality. The technology creates simulated environments in which we can become a part and live that experience. We can create high-definition 3D and immersive content that is very close to real life.

Augmented reality is an enhancement of the real world. We mix the real world with virtual objects and that creates beauty (also referred to as mixed reality). It augments the real world with computer-generated virtual objects hence creating augmented reality.

To better understand these concepts, you can refer to this link: Free workshop by ISA MUJ Chapter

Let's look at an example. When we hover the finger on the green button, the LED turns on.

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-24 at 10.18.02 AM.jpeg

When we hover the finger on the red button, the LED turns off.

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-24 at 10.18.02 AM (1).jpeg

When we hover our finger on either of the virtual buttons, our app sends the signal to the API. The API is further connected to the NodeMCU (I have used ESP32 hence the code will be a little different) which switches the LED on/off.


For a step by step guide to creating this project, you can refer to this link: Complete guide by ISA MUJ Chapter

Click here to download the code

Hope this was helpful!